Jaunty Seas Publishing Sets Sail
With the end of 2024 rolling in, I am doing the very cliched thing of looking back at the year that was and looking ahead to what I hope to achieve next year and making new years resolutions. I am still learning and refining the skills I need to be a great author but I hope I am moving in the right direction. There are three areas that are my key focus points. My writing, my social media and my website.
Looking Astern:
It has been a fantastic year as Jaunty Seas Publishing launched filled with hope excitement.
My writing: My debut novel, Secrets and Smugglers, is in for the second round of edits and almost ready for the world to see. My follow up novel, which will be a stand alone interconnected series has finished the first draft and I am currently knee deep in editing.
Social Media: I joined Instagram, which has been my first foray into social media in several years. It has brought me new friends and through it I have found some great authors and awesome reads which has made my life infinitely better, even if my wallet is a little lighter in the process.
Website: I even made my website, which is scary and new territory but I have really enjoyed the process.
Full steam ahead:
There is so much I want to achieve it is just a matter of having the confidence to build my life how I want to.
My writing: I plan to release Secrets and Smugglers in the first half of the year, though this will depend on how it goes through editing and potentially beta readers. I then hope to release book two, yet to be named, by the end of the year. Book 3 has an outline and it is ready to write as soon as I have a moment. Book 4 is also burning away in my ideas and is just waiting to see how the events in the prior books shake out.
Social Media: I hope to grow my social media platform, and potentially find an audience for the works I have created and am creating. I also want to help other authors find new readers as I love reading just as much as I love writing. Eventually I hope to try new social media platforms so that I can find more excellent books.
Website: I want my website to be the heart of my online life. I want to promote my books and those of my friends because I believe there is space for everyone to achieve success. It is my wish for my friends to get to know me better and share with me the things about my books they enjoy.
Overall 2024 has been exciting but 2025 is when I really hope to find my feet in this online life, find my audience for books and find a wonderful community of people who want to support each other. I am excited for the year ahead and I hope you are there to share it with me.